Personal Details
* At least one phone number is required
Please list any social media accounts and their handles/usernames.
Please list any languages you can speak fluently, other than English.
Why do you want to be a police officer? In 150-200 words. *
Educational Qualifications
Please indicate the highest level of education you have completed. *
If you answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions in this section, please provide details. *
Have read and do indicate my acknowledgement of each request below.
I acknowledge that any personal information which is collected from or about me pursuant to this authority
- Will be used for the purpose of determining my suitability for appointment to the Tasmania Police Service
- May be used for any other purpose authorised or required by law
I acknowledge that my 'basic personal information' provided above
- Will be managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004
- May be accessed by me upon written request to the Commissioner of Police